Sunday 27 October 2013

Ages ago...

I know it has been ages ago since I wrote anything for either of my blogs. I didn't even get started with the promised weekly quick essay training posts.

I don't have any good enough excuse other than not having had the time to dedicate to the blogs. This unfortunately only means a lack of motivation, because if you want to do something real bad, you will find the time. I think my motivation has been largely drained by the course material being utterly uninspiring: the only thing I truly enjoy reading at the moment is statistics, and I'm not going to write blogs about that, for the love of god...

I have also had a major rethink about career choice, which has taken much of my attention from pretty much everything else work-related. I might write about my thoughts at some point, probably will, but won't disappoint you with another promise to be broken...

Part of me really wants to pick up blog writing again, though. And I do have some ideas... But I won't reveal them, because of a TED talk by Derek Sivers, who presented the idea that if you have a new goal or idea that you are excited about, you should resist the first impulse of telling everyone. The reason is that if you do tell someone, you will feel happy or even proud of the idea – without even having carried it out – and the contentment will make you less likely to actually do it!

I have indeed been watching a plethora of TED talks these last weeks, because (most of them) are simply amazing! Maybe that is another reason why I haven't felt inspired to write for this blog? I have been filled with so many other inspirational thoughts!

Anyway, we will see what happens next!